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Functions API

You can simply call these scripts from any Flow using a Remote Post/Get action. For help on how to do this, see the ProcFu GlobiFlow Posting Guide.

The Scripts


• hello_world.pf - The most basic example of a script. Given a name, it will simply greet the person with Hello.
• whoami.pf - Get your logged in user email address.


• podio_app_get_raw.pf - Get the full payload of a Podio App as a JSON object
• podio_space_get_apps.pf - Get all Apps of a Podio Space as a JSON object
• podio_app_get_by_label.pf - Get a Podio App given the space and app label
• podio_app_field_get_categories.pf - Get all category values in a Podio App category Field
• podio_app_field_get_category_id.pf - Get the ID of a category value in a Podio App category Field
• podio_app_field_ensure_category.pf - Make sure that a category value exists in a Podio App category Field
• podio_app_create.pf - Create a new Podio App as per https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/add-new-app-22351
• podio_app_update.pf - Update a Podio App as per https://developers.podio.com/doc/applications/update-app-v2-144091799
• podio_app_install.pf - Install App or App Pack from App Market into a Workspace
• podio_app_archive.pf - Archive a Podio app
• podio_view_total_get.pf - Get number of items in a Podio App's View
• podio_hooks_get_raw.pf - Get the hooks on a Podio App or Space as a JSON object
• podio_app_activity_recent.pf - Get Recently active Item IDs for a Podio App


• podio_comment_get_raw.pf - Get the full raw payload of a Podio comment as a JSON object
• podio_comment_create.pf - Create a comment on a Podio item
• podio_comment_update.pf - Update a comment on a Podio item
• podio_comment_create_silent.pf - Create a comment on an item silently
• podio_comment_delete.pf - Delete a comment on a Podio item
• podio_item_comments_copy.pf - Copy all comments from one Podio Item to another
• podio_comment_copy.pf - Copy a comments to another Podio Item
• podio_item_comments_delete.pf - Try to delete all comments on a Podio Item
• podio_comment_files_to_item.pf - Copy all files from a Podio Comment to the Item
• podio_item_comments_most_recent.pf - Get the text of the most recent comment on a Podio Item

General Data

• var_get.pf - Get a variable value previously saved with set_var.pf
• var_set.pf - Set a variable to later fetch again with get_var.pf
• var_inc.pf - Increment a numeric variable to later fetch again with get_var.pf
• vars_list.pf - Get a list of all variables and value hints previously saved with set_var.pf
• shared_var_get.pf - Get a shared global variable value previously saved with set_shared_var.pf
• shared_var_set.pf - Set a global variable to share with others using get_shared_var.pf

Podio Workflow Automation (GlobiFlow)

• pwa_trigger_flow_on_item.pf - Trigger a manual GF Flow on a specific Podio Item
• pwa_trigger_flow_on_items_multi.pf - Trigger a manual GF Flow on multiple Podio Items at once
• pwa_trigger_flow_item_delayed.pf - Trigger a manual GF Flow on a specific Podio Item after a set time interval
• pwa_delayed_flow_triggers_clear.pf - Clear all jobs previously set with trigger_flow_item_delayed.pf
• pwa_whoami.pf - Find out who you are connected as in connected GF account (prem)
• pwa_get_p_value.pf - Get the GlobiFlow p value for a given flow from the apps hooks
• pwa_tree_get.pf - Get the known Podio Tree from a GF account (prem)
• pwa_flows_list.pf - Get a list of all flows in a GF account (prem)
• pwa_flows_get_for_space.pf - Get a list of all flows in a GF account for a given workspace (prem)
• pwa_flows_manual_for_item.pf - Get a list of all manual flows in a GF account for the app of a given item
• pwa_flow_get.pf - Get details of a specific flow in a GF account (prem)
• pwa_flow_save.pf - Update an existing flow in a GF account (prem)
• pwa_flow_create.pf - Create a new flow in a GF account (prem)
• pwa_flow_toggle_active.pf - Change a GF flow from active to disabled or vice versa (prem)
• pwa_flow_delete.pf - Delete a flow from a GF account (prem)
• pwa_webhook_url_get.pf - Get the URL of a GlobiFlow Webhook Flow (prem)
• pwa_flow_logs_get.pf - Get the recent run logs of a GlobiFlow Flow (prem)
• pwa_data_xml_to_json.pf - Convert exported XML to PF JSON version
• pwa_data_json_to_xml.pf - Convert PF JSON version to GF import XML
• pwa_throttled_apps.pf - Get list of throttled apps from GF (prem)
• pwa_refresh_callback.pf - Start a GlobiFlow Refresh and trigger a manual GF Flow when it completes (prem)
• pwa_throttled_apps_callback.pf - Get list of throttled apps from GF and trigger a manual GF Flow with the result (prem)
• pwa_throw_error.pf - Causes an exception with the given error message


• podio_data_prep_for_app.pf - Given a data array of field values, prepare them for Podio
• podio_app_activity_recent.pf - Get Recently active Item IDs for a Podio App
• podio_item_create.pf - Create a new Item in a Podio App
• podio_item_field_get.pf - Get the value of one field of a Podio Item
• podio_item_fields_get.pf - Get the fields of a Podio Item as a JSON object
• podio_item_fields_update.pf - Update the fields of a Podio Item given a JSON object
• podio_html_to_item_field.pf - Update a text field with HTML trying to preserve as much formatting as possible
• podio_item_get.pf - Get the simplified field values of a Podio Item as a JSON object
• podio_item_get_raw.pf - Get the full payload of a Podio Item as a JSON object
• podio_app_item_get_raw.pf - Get the full payload of a Podio Item as a JSON object by app_item_id
• podio_item_get_ids.pf - Get the Workspace ID and App ID of a given Podio Item
• podio_item_get_creator.pf - Get the creator of a Podio Item
• podio_item_get_revisor.pf - Get the last creator of the most recent Podio Item revision
• podio_item_revision_get.pf - Get details of an item revision
• podio_item_revision_diff.pf - Get the diff between 2 item revisions
• podio_item_get_revision_count.pf - Get the number of revisions on a Podio Item
• podio_item_clone.pf - Clone (make a copy of) a Podio Item
• podio_item_share.pf - Share a Podio Item with an external user
• podio_item_unshare.pf - UnShare a Podio Item with an external user
• podio_item_delete.pf - Delete a Podio item
• podio_item_user_profile.pf - Get the Podio profile data of an Item's contact
• podio_item_recent_diff.pf - Get the changes in the most recent revision of a Podio Item
• podio_item_get_referenced.pf - Get all referenced items to a given Podio item
• podio_app_search.pf - Search a Podio App for matching Items by field
• podio_app_search_all.pf - Search a Podio App for matching Items
• podio_item_filter.pf - Filter Podio Items as per API
• podio_item_images_to_google.pf - Copy images from a Podio Item to Google Drive
• podio_item_fields_copy.pf - Copy field values from one Podio item to another, matching on field labels
• podio_item_image_upload.pf - Upload a remote file by url to a Podio item image field
• podio_item_tags_get.pf - Get the tags on a Podio Item
• podio_item_tags_set.pf - Set the tags on a Podio Item


• podio_view_get.pf - Get the full payload of a Podio View as a JSON object
• podio_view_create.pf - Create a new Podio View as per https://developers.podio.com/doc/views/create-view-27453
• podio_view_update.pf - Update a given Podio View as per https://developers.podio.com/doc/views/update-view-20069949
• podio_view_delete.pf - Delete a given Podio View


• podio_item_tasks_get.pf - Get all Tasks on a Podio item
• podio_tasks_get_summary.pf - Get the current users Tasks Summary
• podio_personal_tasks_get.pf - Get the current users Personal Tasks
• podio_tasks_get_for_user.pf - Get all Public Tasks assigned to a User in an Org
• podio_item_task_create.pf - Create a Task on a Podio item
• podio_space_task_create.pf - Create a Task on a Podio Workspace
• podio_task_get.pf - Get a Podio Task
• podio_task_create.pf - Create a Podio Task
• podio_task_complete.pf - Mark a Podio task as Complete
• podio_task_delete.pf - Delete a Podio task
• podio_task_update.pf - Update a Podio task

Widgets / Reports

• podio_report_get_single.pf - Get the value of a single-value report tile
• podio_report_get_detail.pf - Get the values of a table-style report tile
• podio_home_widget_create.pf - Create a new Widget / Tile on your Home stream
• space_widget_create.pf - Create a new text Widget / Tile on any Space, including Employee Network spaces
• podio_widget_update.pf - Update a Podio Text Widget / Tile
• podio_widgets_get.pf - Get all widgets in a space or for a user's home screen


• podio_space_get_raw.pf - Get the full payload of a Podio Workspace as a JSON object
• podio_space_get_by_url.pf - Get the Podio Workspace from it's URL
• space_members_get.pf - Get a list of all members in a Podio Workspace
• space_members_get_v2.pf - Get a list of all members in a Podio Workspace (v2)
• space_user_add.pf - Add a new user to a Podio workspace
• space_user_remove.pf - Remove a user from a Podio workspace
• space_status_add.pf - Creates a new status message on a specific Podio space
• podio_space_create.pf - Create a new Workspace in a Podio Org
• podio_space_delete.pf - Delete a Podio Workspace
• space_settings_get.pf - Get the settings of a Workspace
• space_settings_set.pf - Change the settings of a Workspace
• podio_app_install.pf - Install App or App Pack from App Market into a Workspace
• podio_space_get_apps.pf - Get all Apps of a Podio Space as a JSON object
• podio_org_get_spaces.pf - Get all Workspaces of a Podio Org as a JSON object
• podio_hooks_get_raw.pf - Get the hooks on a Podio App or Space as a JSON object


• podio_orgs_get_raw.pf - Get all the user's Podio Organizations and Workspaces
• podio_org_get_spaces.pf - Get all Workspaces of a Podio Org as a JSON object
• podio_org_remove_user.pf - Remove a user from a Podio organization


• podio_item_files_search.pf - Find all files on a Podio item matching a search pattern
• podio_item_file_upload.pf - Upload a remote file by url to a Podio item
• podio_file_upload_unlinked.pf - Upload a remote file by url to Podio without linking it to anything
• podio_file_text_create.pf - Create a new text file and attach it to a Podio item
• podio_file_text_read.pf - Read the contents of a text file on a Podio item
• podio_file_copy.pf - Make a copy of a Podio file
• podio_item_files_copy.pf - Copy files matching pattern from one Podio Item to another Podio Item
• podio_file_upload.pf - Upload an existing Podio file to another Podio item
• podio_file_get_base64.pf - Get a Podio File as Base64 encoded text
• podio_file_from_base64.pf - Make a file from provided base64 text and attach it to a Podio Item
• podio_image_files_to_image_field.pf - Copy images attached as files to a Podio Item to an image field on that Item
• podio_comment_files_to_item.pf - Copy all files from a Podio Comment to the Item
• podio_file_delete_by_id.pf - Delete a Podio file by it's ID
• podio_files_delete.pf - Delete Podio files matching pattern from a Podio Item
• podio_files_zip.pf - Create a zip archive of files matching pattern from a Podio Item
• podio_file_xls_to_csv.pf - Convert Podio XLS or XLSX files to CSV
• podio_file_xls_parse.pf - Get a Podio Item's XLS file and return it as a JSON array
• podio_file_csv_parse.pf - Get a Podio Item's CSV file and return it as a JSON array
• podio_file_ical_parse.pf - Get a Podio Item's ICAL or ICS file and return it's events as a JSON array
• podio_file_xls_from_array.pf - Create an Excel file from a multi-dimensional array and attach it to a Podio Item
• podio_file_csv_from_array.pf - Create a CSV file from a multi-dimensional array and attach it to a Podio Item
• podio_files_to_google.pf - Copy files matching pattern on a Podio Item from Podio to Google Drive
• podio_files_to_sharefile.pf - Copy files matching pattern on a Podio Item from Podio to ShareFile
• podio_file_from_google.pf - Copy a file from Google Drive to a Podio Item
• podio_google_files_share.pf - Share an Item's file(s) hosted in Google Drive
• podio_item_pdf_to_text.pf - Get a Podio Item's PDF file and convert it to plain text
• podio_files_pdf_combine.pf - Get a Podio Item's PDF files and combine them into on single PDF
• podio_files_pdf_combine_by_ids.pf - Get multiple PDF files from Podio and combine them
• podio_images_replace_in_html.pf - Replace all images with Podio file sources with base64 data for insertion into PDFs etc
• podio_linked_file_to_item.pf - Add an external linked service file/folder to a Podio Item
• podio_ical_invite_create.pf - Create a new ICAL invitation from a Podio Item and attach it as a file


• podio_file_xls_to_csv.pf - Convert Podio XLS or XLSX files to CSV
• podio_file_csv_regex_replace.pf - Perform regular expression replacments in columns of a CSV file
• podio_importer_file_get_info.pf - Return the importer information about an XLS or CSV file
• podio_importer_file_get_preview.pf - Return the importer preview of an XLS or CSV file
• podio_import_app_items.pf - Imports the file into the given Podio app
• podio_app_items_export.pf - Exports the given Podio app to an xls or xlsx file
• podio_import_batch_callback.pf - Wait for a importer batch to finish and trigger a manual GF Flow


• space_members_get.pf - Get a list of all members in a Podio Workspace
• space_members_get_v2.pf - Get a list of all members in a Podio Workspace (v2)
• podio_item_user_profile.pf - Get the Podio profile data of an Item's contact
• podio_item_task_user_profile.pf - Get the Podio profile data of an Item's Task's assigned-to user
• podio_user_get.pf - Get details of a Podio user
• podio_user_get_by_email.pf - Get details of a Podio user by email address
• podio_user_profile_get.pf - Get the Podio profile data of a user
• podio_subs_get_by_ref.pf - Get all subscriptions for the current user on a Podio Item/App/Space
• podio_sub_create.pf - Create a subscription on / follow a Podio Item/App/Space
• podio_sub_delete.pf - Delete a subscription on / unfollow a Podio Item/App/Space


• webpage_text_regex.pf - Gets a web page url, converts it to text, and then performs a given regex match
• webpage_html_regex.pf - Gets a web page url as html, and then performs a given regex match
• remote_curl.pf - Remote curl to server using POST PUT PATCH DELETE etc


• distance_between_addresses.pf - Get the distance in meters between 2 addresses
• podio_files_to_google.pf - Copy files matching pattern on a Podio Item from Podio to Google Drive
• podio_file_from_google.pf - Copy a file from Google Drive to a Podio Item
• podio_item_images_to_google.pf - Copy images from a Podio Item to Google Drive
• podio_google_files_share.pf - Share an Item's file(s) hosted in Google Drive
• google_doc_create.pf - Create a new Google Docs Document, Sheet, etc
• podio_google_doc_getas_html.pf - Get the HTML version of a Google Docs Doc on an Item
• google_drive_pdf_to_html.pf - Get the HTML version of a Google Drive PDF file
• google_drive_folder_create.pf - Create a new Google Drive Folder
• google_team_drive_folder_create.pf - Create a new Google Team Drive Folder
• google_drive_list.pf - List the contents of a Google Drive folder
• google_team_drive_list.pf - List the contents of a Google Team Drive folder
• google_drive_move.pf - Move a Google Doc or Folder
• google_team_drive_move.pf - Move a Google Doc or Folder in a Google Team Drive
• google_drive_rename.pf - Rename a Google Doc or Folder
• google_team_drive_rename.pf - Rename a Google Doc or Folder in a Google Team Drive
• google_drive_delete.pf - Delete a Google Drive document or folder
• google_team_drive_delete.pf - Delete a Google Team Drive document or folder

Google Sheets

• sheets_def.pf - Get the header row of a Google Sheet
• sheets_get.pf - Get the contents of a Google Sheet as an associative array
• sheets_update.pf - Update the values of a Google Sheet
• sheets_append.pf - Append a row of values to a Google Sheet
• sheets_delete.pf - Delete a row in a Google Sheet
• sheets_search.pf - Search for Google Sheets in Google Drive


• infolobby_table_search.pf - Search an InfoLobby Table for a substring
• infolobby_table_query.pf - Query an InfoLobby Table with filter and sort
• infolobby_table_query_count.pf - Get the count for a Query of an InfoLobby Table with filter or search
• infolobby_table_row_get.pf - Get a single row from an InfoLobby Table
• infolobby_table_row_create.pf - Create an InfoLobby Table record
• infolobby_table_row_update.pf - Update an InfoLobby Table record
• infolobby_table_row_delete.pf - Delete an InfoLobby Table record
• infolobby_api_raw_curl.pf - Remote curl to any InfoLobby API endpoint using POST PUT PATCH DELETE etc


• tape_app_query.pf - Query a Tape App with filter and sort
• tape_app_record_get.pf - Get a single record from a Tape App
• tape_app_record_create.pf - Create a Tape App record
• tape_app_record_update.pf - Update a Tape App record
• tape_app_record_delete.pf - Delete a Tape App record
• tape_api_raw_curl.pf - Remote curl to any Tape API endpoint using POST PUT PATCH DELETE etc


• mysql_query.pf - Return a single query result from MySQL
• mysql_array.pf - Return a multi-row result from MySQL
• mysql_command.pf - Perform a MySQL command
• pwa_podio_app_mysql_structure.pf - Create SQL statement to create (or update) a MySQL table for GlobiFlow MySQL sync

S3-compatible Storage

• storage_files_list.pf - Get a directory listing of storage files
• storage_file_get_base64.pf - Get a storage File as Base64 encoded text
• storage_file_from_base64.pf - Make a file from provided base64 text and save it in storage
• storage_file_delete.pf - Delete a storage file


• ftp_scandir.pf - Get the directory listing from an FTP server
• ftp_mkdir.pf - Create a directory on an FTP server
• ftp_rmdir.pf - Delete a directory on an FTP server
• ftp_rename.pf - Rename a file on an FTP server
• podio_files_to_ftp.pf - Copy files matching pattern from a Podio Item to an FTP server
• podio_files_from_ftp.pf - Copy files matching pattern from an FTP server to a Podio Item


• sharefile_api_curl_raw.pf - Make a raw API (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/etc) request to the ShareFile API as per the API reference
• podio_files_to_sharefile.pf - Copy files matching pattern on a Podio Item from Podio to ShareFile


• notion_whoami.pf - Find out who you are connected as in connected Notion account
• notion_page_get.pf - Get a Notion page as Markdown
• notion_page_create.pf - Create a new Child Page
• notion_block_get.pf - Get a Notion block
• notion_block_children.pf - Get the Children of a Notion block
• notion_block_create.pf - Create a block on a Notion page or block
• notion_block_update.pf - Update a block on a Notion page or block
• notion_block_remove.pf - Delete a block on a Notion page or block
• notion_table_def.pf - Get a Notion table definition
• notion_table_get.pf - Get a Notion table block as an associative array
• notion_table_get_csv.pf - Get a Notion table block as comma-separated text
• notion_table_query.pf - Query a Notion database with filter and sort
• notion_table_row_get.pf - Get a record from a Notion table
• notion_table_row_add.pf - Add a record to a Notion table
• notion_table_row_update.pf - Update a record in a Notion table
• notion_table_row_delete.pf - Delete a record from a Notion table
• notion_search.pf - Search for a Notion page or table
• notion_api_raw_curl.pf - Make a raw API (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/etc) request to the Notion API as per the API reference

oAuth API Services

• api_user_login_link_get.pf - Get the login link for a user to authenticate to an API
• api_user_urls_set.pf - Set override success and fail login urls for a particular user
• api_user_token_status.pf - Get the details of a user's auth token status
• api_users_list.pf - Get the list of authenticated users for an API integration
• api_user_get.pf - Get the details of a user via an API
• api_request_send.pf - Make an API request for a user via an API and capture the response

Data Streams

• stream_podio_view.pf - Create a stream to fetch all items from a Podio View
• stream_podio_app_search.pf - Create a stream to search and fetch matching items from a Podio App
• stream_podio_app_comments_search.pf - Create a stream to search and fetch matching comments from a Podio App
• stream_podio_item_related.pf - Create a stream to get all referenced items to a given Podio item
• stream_mysql_query.pf - Create a stream to return a multi-row result from a MySQL query
• stream_http_csv.pf - Create a stream to return a csv file from a remote HTTP endpoint
• stream_fetch.pf - Get the next n items from a previously created stream


• account_last_error.pf - Return last ProcFu Error
• account_logger_log.pf - Add something to your PF logs
• podio_api_raw_curl.pf - Remote curl to any Podio API endpoint using POST PUT PATCH DELETE etc
• podio_raw_curl_as_app.pf - Remote curl to any Podio API endpoint authenticated as an app
• find_in_json.pf - Finds a key in JSON encoded text
• json_key_get.pf - Finds a key in a JSON array (deep)
• json_key_set.pf - Sets a key or keys to a value in a JSON array (deep)
• base64_encode.pf - Convert text to base64 - great for making JSON safe to use in GF vars
• pwa_param_saften.pf - Make text safe for use in GF vars (experimental)
• markdown_to_html.pf - Converts markdown formatted text to html
• xml_to_json.pf - Converts an XML object to JSON
• array_diff_new.pf - Given 2 JSON arrays, returns an array of items that were added
• array_diff_del.pf - Given 2 JSON arrays, returns an array of items that were removed
• array_diff_same.pf - Given 2 JSON arrays, returns an array of items that are in both
• array_sort.pf - Given a JSON array, returns an array of the items sorted
• array_key_sort.pf - Given an array of JSON objects, returns an array of the items sorted by key
• html_to_markdown.pf - Convert HTML to MarkDown
• email_send_smtp.pf - Send an email using your SMTP server
• email_send_conn.pf - Send an email using an SMTP server connected to your account
• emogrify_html.pf - Convert HTML styles to inline
• distance_straight_line.pf - Get the striaght line distance between 2 lat / long co-ordinates
• dummy_data.pf - Generate random email addresses, text, numbers, etc
• text_encrypt.pf - Encrypt some text with a given password
• text_decrypt.pf - Decrypt some text with a given password
• ip_address_reputation.pf - Get details of an IP address including reputation (prem)
• webpage_get_chrome.pf - Get the content of a web page using Chrome (javascript-enabled)
• datetime_convert.pf - Convert a datetime from one timezone to another


• call_procscript.pf - Run a ProcScript code block and return a result
• call_procscript_bg.pf - Run a ProcScript code block in the background
• sync_create.pf - Create a ProcFu Data Sync for a Podio App to a MySQL database
• sync_delete.pf - Delete a ProcFu Data Sync
• sync_restart.pf - Clear errors and re-start a ProcFu Data Sync
• sync_refresh.pf - Force a complete Refresh on a ProcFu Data Sync
• sync_refresh_item.pf - Force a Refresh on a ProcFu Data Sync for a single item
• sync_get_for_app.pf - Get a Data Sync for a Podio App
• account_get_usage.pf - Get current ProcFu account usage and limits
• account_last_error.pf - Return last ProcFu Error
• account_logger_log.pf - Add something to your PF logs
• call_user_function.pf - Run a Code Block you previously created (DEPRECATED)

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